First Baptist Church is a Family of Faith
passionately committed to following Jesus.
Intimate Worship
Believers worship God in private and with other believers.
Spiritual Conversations
Believers engage people in conversations about God and a personal relationship with him.
Intentional Spiritual Growth
Believers endeavor to learn about the Christian faith, live out the principles of Jesus' teaching and place their faith at the center of their lives.
Spiritual Friendships
Believers become friends with each other, providing encouragement and loving accountability.
Believers communicate with their Father who loves them and desires to hear their praises and requests.
Christ Centered Homes
Believers teach and model the ways of God in their homes.
Believers serve others in obedience to Jesus' example.
Resource Investment
Believers utilize all their God-given gifts, including time, talent and money, in ministry and missions locally and around the world.
These passions are a result of our relationship with Jesus Christ. They serve as a model for what a follower of Jesus looks like. It is the goal of each believer to develop these passions in his or her daily life. That is why our church has adopted these passions as our purpose statement. We use them to guide our ministry planning. The idea is really a simple one. Since the church is a local gathering of disciples, the church should care about the same things God wants His followers to care about.
First Baptist Church of Rock Hill
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